Dr. Anu Goswami

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. While PCOS is primarily associated with reproductive issues such as irregular periods and infertility, it can also have a profound impact on a woman’s overall health and increase the risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases. Dr Anu Goswami, a renowned gynaecologist and expert in lifestyle medicine, sheds light on the connection between PCOS and lifestyle diseases, offering valuable insights and guidance for those seeking medical advice.

The PCOS-Lifestyle Disease Connection

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is characterized by hormonal imbalances, which can lead to a range of symptoms and health issues. One of the most significant connections lies in the increased risk of lifestyle diseases among women with PCOS.

Here are some key points Dr Anu Goswami highlights regarding this connection:

  • Insulin Resistance: PCOS is often linked to insulin resistance, a condition where the body’s cells don’t respond effectively to insulin. This can lead to higher levels of insulin in the bloodstream, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  • Obesity: Women with PCOS are more likely to struggle with weight management due to hormonal imbalances. Obesity is a risk factor for various lifestyle diseases, including heart disease and hypertension.

  • Cardiovascular Health: PCOS can negatively impact lipid profiles, increasing the levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides while reducing “good” cholesterol (HDL). This places women with PCOS at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Mental Health: The hormonal fluctuations and physical symptoms associated with PCOS can contribute to mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety. Mental health conditions can, in turn, be linked to unhealthy lifestyle choices.

  • Infertility: While not a lifestyle disease in itself, infertility caused by PCOS can lead to significant emotional stress and may influence lifestyle choices.

Why Consult Dr Anu Goswami?

Consulting with Dr. Anu Goswami is a wise choice for those grappling with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and its potential impact on lifestyle-related diseases. She specialises in lifestyle medicine equips her with a profound understanding of how lifestyle choices can significantly influence one’s health outcomes. Offering personalized guidance encompassing dietary adjustments, exercise regimens, stress management techniques, and other lifestyle factors that can effectively alleviate the repercussions of PCOS.

Moreover, she adopts a holistic approach to patient care, extending her focus beyond immediate medical concerns to encompass the long-term well-being of her patients. She recognizes the intricate relationship between physical and mental health, ensuring comprehensive support.

With over three decades of invaluable experience in the medical field, Dr Anu Goswami has built an impeccable reputation for her expertise and compassionate care. Her patients hold her in high regard, relying on her judgment and guidance.

The patient-centric approach ensures that individuals receive tailored, effective, and empathetic care, making Dr Anu Goswami the ideal choice for those navigating the challenges posed by PCOS and its implications on lifestyle-related diseases.

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