Dr. Anu Goswami

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Fatty liver disease, medically known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), is a prevalent health issue worldwide. It is characterized by an accumulation of fat in the liver cells and can lead to various complications, including liver inflammation and scarring. While it affects both males and females, there are notable differences in how it manifests and progresses in each gender. In this blog post, we will delve into these distinctions, shedding light on the unique aspects of NAFLD in males and females. Dr Anu Goswami, a distinguished medical professional with expertise in lifestyle medicine and gynaecology, offers valuable insights into this topic.

Why Choose Dr. Anu Goswami?

Dr Anu Goswami’s background in both lifestyle medicine and gynaecology uniquely positions her as an expert in discussing the gender-specific aspects of fatty liver disease. Her medical journey, including her education at the prestigious Lady Harding Medical College in New Delhi, has equipped her with a holistic understanding of healthcare. Her focus on lifestyle medicine ensures that she considers not only the biological factors but also the behavioural and environmental influences on health. This multidimensional approach makes her an ideal source of information on the gender differences in fatty liver disease.

Gender Differences in Fatty Liver Disease

Studies have shown that males tend to have a higher prevalence of NAFLD compared to females. This gender difference is attributed to hormonal variations, with estrogen in females believed to provide some protective effects against liver fat accumulation.

Disease Progression:

  • In males, NAFLD is often more aggressive and prone to progressing to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and liver fibrosis. This could be linked to factors such as increased visceral fat and higher rates of insulin resistance in men.


  • Females, on the other hand, may experience a slower progression of the disease. This relative protection may be associated with the anti-inflammatory and metabolic benefits of estrogen.


  • Hormonal fluctuations throughout a woman’s life, such as during pregnancy and menopause, can impact the severity and progression of NAFLD.


  • Dr Anu Goswami’s expertise in gynaecology allows her to explore these hormonal factors in depth, considering their implications on fatty liver disease in women.

Management and Treatment:

  • The gender-specific differences in NAFLD may require tailored approaches to management and treatment. This could involve addressing hormonal imbalances in females and focusing on lifestyle modifications in males.

Why Choose Dr. Anu Goswami?

Dr Anu Goswami’s expertise in lifestyle medicine and gynaecology uniquely positions her to provide valuable insights into the multifaceted aspects of NAFLD in both males and females. By considering the interplay of biological, behavioural, and environmental factors, Dr. Goswami offers a holistic perspective that can contribute to improved understanding and management of this prevalent health issue. Her comprehensive approach underscores the importance of personalized care in addressing fatty liver disease, recognizing that one size does not fit all when it comes to healthcare.

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